Due to our worldwide activities, it is particularly important for purchasing to constantly expand our network of reliable and qualified suppliers.
As a globally active organization we seek our supply partners in a variety of markets and branches. Our suppliers are selected not only on the basis of prices and quality. Other aspects, such as technological competence, reliability, logistics and environmental awareness are also taken into account through a specific assessment system awarding credit points (bonus/malus system).
We also expect our suppliers to comply with the quality and environmental management standards relevant to us. We give preference to environmentally friendly products in order to avoid or reduce solid and liquid waste or emissions.
Purchasing Conditions:
>> General Purchasing Conditions 08/24 (english)
General Terms and Conditions:
>> General Terms and Conditions 03/20 (english)
>> Supplementary Trade Terms 03/20 (english)
Manufacturing Instructions:
>> ONEJOON Manufacturing instructions (english)
Health and Safety Management:
>> Safety Manual for External Companies (english)
>> Management System Certificate (english)