The industrial furnace construction company ONEJOON from Bovenden supports the Göttingen Community Social Work (Straso) with a donation of 1,000 euros. Straso is an institution of the Diakonieverband in the Evangelical Lutheran Church District of Göttingen-Münden. Its mission is to improve the living situation of people affected or threatened by homelessness. It does this by offering a range of services, including a post office address, a day centre, street work, accommodation, emergency medical care and breakfast and lunch services.
Jetzt weiterlesenScarcity of resources, rising raw material prices and the move away from fossil fuels: in view of these challenges, innovative recycling concepts for the recovery of resources and the simultaneous generation of environmentally friendly energies are in demand. One of them used to be considered cost-inefficient, but is now increasingly becoming the focus of companies: the recycling of discarded materials or residual materials by means of pyrolysis.
Jetzt weiterlesenWe have been supporting Blue Flash, the racing team of HAWK Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen, in the development of its vehicles for many years. As part of the sponsorship, the students regularly visit our production facility to weld parts for their racing car, for example.
Jetzt weiterlesenWhether in aerospace, the automotive industry or medical technology, there is one material that cannot be missed. We are talking about carbon or CFRP. Its triumphal march through industry began more than 40 years ago, when it was used in military research centers and by NASA. And today? We encounter carbon in almost all areas of life, for example as prostheses, on the road in the form of bicycle frames, or even in the BMW i3, the first production car with a passenger cell made of carbon. Let's begin our journey through the impressive development of this material.
Jetzt weiterlesenShaving – if you look at the word in a historical context, it can be traced back to the Latin term rasura, which means 'the scraping, scratching, smoothing'. This sounds crude compared to today's idea of a shave, as we all know only the particularly sharp and thin blades used in modern (or not so modern) wet razors – at first glance a simple product, but behind it lies a complex manufacturing process. In this process, material, heat, coating, and also plant technology from ONEJOON play an important role.
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