Powder and Powder Chemistry
Industrial furnace processes for powders and powder chemistry are versatile and demanding. ONEJOON is targeting both challenges, the process requirements and also the powder handling. The focus is on important issues such as process stability, the connection to upstream and downstream units and, of course, the safety of the entire plant.
Raw materials that enter the furnace in liquid form, as syrup, as powder or granulate are equally demanding as the processes, like pyrolysis, calcination or carbonization.
Before, during and after the thermal process, the specific properties often change, sometimes several times:
- toxic or non-toxic
- abrasive or soft
- explosive, reactive or inert
- adhesive or free-flowing
- dusty or dust-free
Taking this into account, ONEJOON designs your production process and selects suitable furnaces and heat treatment plants. Crucial for this selection is e.g. the sealing system, an appropriate loading and unloading concept with connection to upstream and downstream plant technology and an integrated waste gas treatment, if necessary.